Tractor Forks
When we bought the Mahindra it came with a bucket but it also had pallet forks. The tractor once lived ...

Timber! (Lots of It.)
I never really thought about cutting trees before we had the farm. I knew there were people that ran around ...

The Demise of the Burn Pile
We've been pretty impressed with our progress on the burn pile. It's kind of cool to drive by it and ...

The Tractor with Racing Slicks
So first I have to give giant props to my hubby. He is the equipment-finder extraordinaire, the king of the ...

Pecan Orchard Cleanup
This week Brett, his dad Mike and I spent more time cleaning up the southern side of the pecan orchard ...

The Husqvarna 545FR
"Let's get a brush cutter!" he said. "It will be easy," he said."We neeeeeeeeed it" he said.Enter the beast of ...

The Mahindra XUV
We bought a new (to us) sweet XUV to get to the top of the mountain. We looked and looked ...