Clover, Winter Peas, Daikon Radish & Rye in the Ground
Planting for spring emergence means putting seeds in the ground in late fall. For us, this means planting late October ...

A Successful Seed Planting
The last blog post was all about the planing of the rye, clover and fescue seed at the farm. You ...

Planting Beautiful Seed and Holding Your Breath
Until this month, I watched the weather whenever we'd go to the farm, but I wasn't what I'd say obsessed ...

A Direction
We've now had the farm for more than six months and part of the fun of this adventure is deciding ...

Timber! (Lots of It.)
I never really thought about cutting trees before we had the farm. I knew there were people that ran around ...

Inside of Dam. Done.
After five or six days of work, we have finished clearing all the trees from the inside of the dam ...

Blessed Rain
After eight long weeks, it finally rained at the farm. Sometimes when we’re down here, we see the gray clouds, ...