After five or six days of work, we have finished clearing all the trees from the inside of the dam.

On one side of the front of the dam trees were not so big. While they were tall, they weren’t very big around. The largest in diameter might’ve been 8 to 10 inches. But as we moved around to the back, where it was deepest, they grew in diameter to 12-16 inches, which is a pretty big tree.

Trees and their roots can mess the dam up, but on the inside of the dam where the water is, we can leave the roots. So we cut the trees to a foot or two above the dirt, then Bryce will be out with his CAT forestry mulcher next week and he’ll grind what’s left to the ground.

The outside of the damn is a different story. There are some large oaks and maples that might be more than two feet in diameter. It’s way too big for us to tackle and the roots have to be extracted. We did a lot of work on the inside, because we understand that to take each tree can be between two and $300 per tree. But we’ll be calling a service to do the outside piece of the dam.